Koel objective question

Koel objective question

Class 10th English Objective Question Answer :- मेरे प्रिय छात्रों अगर आप कक्षा 10वीं के छात्र हैं और मैट्रिक बोर्ड परीक्षा 2024 की तैयारी कर रहे हैं तो Class 10th English का यहां पर प्रश्न उत्तर ( Koel Objective Question Answer ) तथा Class 10th English POETRY SECTION का मॉडल पेपर ( Class 10th English Model Paper ) उपलब्ध है। जिसको आप लोग डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं। और मैट्रिक परीक्षा 2024 की तैयारी यहां पर ऑनलाइन कर सकते हैं।

1. The Koel is full of dissatisfaction because its ……………. is not with her.
(A) lover
(B) sister
(C) mother
(D) father
Answer ⇒ A

2. How does the koel feel?
(A) satisfied
(B) happy
(C) restless
(D) peaceful
Answer ⇒ C

3. Who is the poet of the poem, “Koel ?
(A) Puran Singh
(B) Laxmi Prasad Devkota
(C) Vidyapati
(D) Arundhati Roy
Answer ⇒ A

14. What is the meaning of “Thy”?
(A) Own
(B) My
(C) Your
(D) Our
Answer ⇒ C

5. Where does the Cuckoo conceal itself?
(A) In forest
(B) In the leaves of any plant
(C) In Mango-leaves
(D) None of these
Answer ⇒ C

6. What does the bird do with the poet ? .
(A) Wakes poet’s soul
(B) Sang in musical voice
(C) Attacked upon him
(D) None of these
Answer ⇒ A

7. What chars the cuckoo’s wings ?
(A) The fire & love
(B) The fire of love
(C) The passion & fire
(D) None of these
Answer ⇒ B

8. The poet asks the koel what has ……………… her.
(A) Hurt
(B) Made
(C) Told
(D) Forgotten
Answer ⇒ A

9. The high-pitched strains of the koel wakes in the poet’s soul a thousand
(A) Dreams
(B) Desires
(C) Memories
(D) Longings

Answer ⇒ C

10. The koel asks the…………. not to be motionless and tell it where its beloved is.
(A) Trees
(B) Leaves
(C) Fruits
(D) Branches
Answer ⇒ A

11. What wakes thousand memories in heart?
(A) black colour of koel
(B) hight-pitched strains of koel
(C) both (A) and (B)
(D) nothig
Answer ⇒ B

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12. What happens with the shades of mangoes ?
(A) burn
(B) turn
(C) disappear
(D) none of these
Answer ⇒ A

13. ‘O little Bird !’ Why has ‘B’in ‘Bird’ capital here?
(A) due to lovely birds
(B) due to addressing koel
(C) due to black bird
(D) none of these
Answer ⇒ B

14. What fires the Koel?
(A) rain of sparks
(B) sight of mango-blossoms
(C) mango leaves
(D) lightning
Answer ⇒ B

15. The Fire of Love has ……………… my wings.
(A) burnt
(B) charred
(C) sparked
(D) singed
Answer ⇒ B

16. The shades of ………….. burn.
(A) mango
(B) mangrove
(C) mangoes
(D) leaves
Answer ⇒ C


17. Why is the Koel restless ?
(A) in search of foood
(B) in search of her beloved
(C) in search of shelter
(D) in search of water
Answer ⇒ B

18. Who is the koel looking for ?
(A) It’s next
(B) It’s children
(C) It’s husband
(D) Its beloved
Answer ⇒ D

19. What is burning (referred to) in the poem ?
(A) Koel
(B) The shades of mango
(C) Mango trees
(D) None of these
Answer ⇒ B

20. Who is the flaming soul looking for ?
(A) Its beloved
(B) Husband
(C) Child
(D) Poet
Answer ⇒ A

21. The ‘flaming soul in the poem is
(A) Poet
(B) The Koel’s
(C) The husband
(D) The beloved
Answer ⇒ B

22. In the poem, art’ stands for
(A) Painting
(B) Are
(C) Sculpture
(D) Music
Answer ⇒ B

23. The Koel is praised by the poet as it seems to be
(A) Restful
(B) Restless
(C) So Kind
(D) So fresh
Answer ⇒ D

24. What is inentioned in the poem as “sparks of fire’?
(A) The poet himself
(B) The jungle fire
(C) The koel’s song
(D) None of these
Answer ⇒ C

25. The song of the koel brings a
(A) Sadness
(B) Happiness
(C) thousand memories
(D) Love
Answer ⇒ C

matric exam 2024
Class 10th English Model Paper : दोस्तों यहां पर बिहार विद्यालय परीक्षा समिति पटना के द्वारा बिहार बोर्ड का कराए जाने वाला एग्जाम मैट्रिक परीक्षा 2025 का मॉडल पेपर यहां पर दिया गया है कक्षा 10th अंग्रेजी का ऑफिशियल मॉडल पेपर 2025, क्लास 10th अंग्रेजी का मॉडल पेपर (Class 10th English Model Paper 2025 Bihar Board) का Model Paper यहां पर दिया गया है जिसमें 20 मॉडल पेपर की लिंक दी गई है तो इसे आप लोग लिंक पर क्लिक करके अवश्य पढ़ें धन्यवाद

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