I Have a Dream Summary

Summary of I Have a Dream 

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%filename I Have a Dream Summary I Have a Dream Summary

I have a dream is a speech delivered by Martin Luther King Jr. on 28 August 1963 in Lincoln Memorial Hall. He was a great orator,civil rights activist and also a Nobel Prize winner. In this speech he has raised a voice against racial discrimination and called for civil and economic rights of Negroes in America. Welcoming delegates, martin says that the Nigros of America especially Albama are still not free. they are sweltering in the the furnace of injustice. America consideres them a bad cheque. even they are deprived of citizenship rights. America is prosper but they are pauper. Therefore today, I have come here to to raise a voice for them. we sell march ahead and we won’t sit back till they get the right parallel to whites. Until the justice rolls down like water and they get a room in a hotel in the towns. and I request you to come ahead for them because all of our destiny is tied together. In spite of frustration, Martin has a dream, he dreams that the son of slave’s children and and the son of their Masters will be sitting on the table of brotherhood together. He dreams that his children would be identified because of their character not of their skin colour. he dream that the freedom will be ring from all the corners of America and there will be a day when all the blacks and whites will be able to live and dream together. This is one of the greatest speech ever for the rights of Blacks. and he has successfully received the rhythm of his audience. it proved in a great orator and worked as an antidote for the injustice,tyranny and oppression against nigroes

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