Dowry system

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Dowry system is an age-old practice in India which refers to the transfer of property and money from the bride’s family to the groom’s family. This system is most popular in India and a few other countries. Growing up, most of us have seen or heard of this system. The bride’s family suffers because of the dowry system. Many times, the marriage is abruptly called off if the groom’s side’s demands for dowry are not met. Furthermore, this system also puts a lot of pressure on the bride’s family, especially on the bride’s father. He is expected to provide the groom’s family with all the gifts and money. This can be a huge financial burden and can lead to the family’s financial instability.

The Indian government act of 1961 forbids individuals from accepting dowry as part of the government’s effort to put an end to this abhorrent social practice.

Negative Impact Of Dowry System
Injustice | For the bride’s family, the dowry carries a significant financial burden. A girl child is therefore seen as a potential burden and potential financial drain on the family. This viewpoint takes form of female infanticides and foeticides. Girls are frequently marginalised in areas of schooling where boys of the family are given preference. They are subjected to a number of limitations and forced to remain indoors in the name of maintaining family honour. Age is still seen as a measure of purity, which leads to the continued practice of child marriages. The practice is supported by the fact that the amount of dowry rises with the girl’s age.

Violence Against Women | Contrary to popular belief, dowry is not always a one-time payment. The husband’s family, who sees the girl’s family as an endless supply of money, is always making demands. The girl’s family’s inability to meet further demands often results in verbal abuse, interpersonal violence, and even fatalities. Women endure constant physical and psychological abuse and therefore more at risk of experiencing depression and even attempt suicide.

Financial Burden | Due to the dowry demands made by the groom’s family, Indian parents often associate getting a girl married with a substantial sum of money. Families frequently take on large amounts of debt and mortgage homes, which significantly harms their economic health.

Gender Inequality | The notion of paying dowry in order to marry a girl increases the sense of disparity between the sexes, elevating males above women. Young girls are barred from attending school while their brothers are allowed to attend. They are frequently discouraged from taking on occupations since they are seen as unfit for jobs other than household duties. Most of the time, their opinions are silenced, ignored, or treated with disrespect.

To combat the unjust practise of dowry, India as a nation needs to drastically alter its current mindsets. They must understand that in today’s world, women are perfectly capable of performing any task that males are capable of. Women themselves must abandon the notion that they are subordinate to men and must rely on them to take care of them.


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