A Marriage Proposal

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B. 1.2. Answer the following questions briefly :

The Proposal Question Answer Class 12 Bihar Board English Question 1.
How is Lomov greeted by Choobookov ?
Choobookov is surprised to see Lomov dressed in formal clothes. He thinks Lomov is going to a party. But he greets him cordially.

The Proposal Question Answer Class 12 Bihar Board English Question 2.
How does Choobookov react when he comes to know that Lomov wants to marry Natalia ?
Choobookov is truly overjoyed when he learns that Lomov wants to marry his daughter Natalia. He says that he has wished to happen it for a long time. He embraces and kisses Lomov.

A Marriage Proposal Short Question Answer Bihar Board Class 12 English Question 3.
Why does Lomov think that his is a critical age ?
Lomov is already thirty-five. He is still unmarried. He thinks his is a critical age because if he does not get married soon he will never be able to marry.

The Proposal Class 12 Long Questions And Answers Bihar Board Question 4.
Why does Lomov feel nervous before proposing to Natalia ?
Primarily Lomov is a man of nervous temperament. Then, he is not sure whether Natalia will accept him. He feels nervous before proposing to her as if he is going to take the final examination.

The Proposal Class 10 Questions And Answers Bihar Board Question 5.
Why is Natalia afraid that all her hay may rot ?
Natalia has had all her meadow mown. But it has started raining. The hay may not get dried without the sun. It is likely to rot. So she is worried.

Bihar Board Rainbow English Book Class 12 Pdf Download Question 6.
What according to her, is the real worth of Ox meadows ?
Natalia thinks that the Ox-meadows are worth about three hundred rubles.

Bihar Board Class 12 English Book Solution Question 7.
Who, according to Lomov, had let the meadows and to whom ?
According to Lomov the meadows were lent by his aunt grandmother to the peasants of Natalia’s great grandfather for an indefinite period without any payment.

B. 2.1. Read the following sentences and write T for true and ‘F’ for false statement :

Choobookov supports Lomov’s claim over Ox- meadows.
His peasants used the land for forty years.
It is Natalia who threatens to take the matter court.
She does not use abusive language of Lomov.
She feels delighted to have behaved decently with Lomov.

B.2.2. Answer the following questions briefly :

The Proposal Class 12 Questions And Answers Bihar Board Question 1.
What is Lomov’s explanation of Ox-meadow becoming a disputed piece of land ?
Lomov tells Natalia that his aunt’s grandmother lent the Ox-meadows to the peasants of her great-grandfather for free use. They used it for forty years, and then, they began to treat it as their own. This caused the dispute.

Class 12th English Book Bihar Board Question 2.
What does Choobookov say about Lomov’s father and grandfather ?
Choobookov says that Lomov’s father was a gambler and ate like a pig and his grandfather drank like a fish.

Rainbow Part 2 English Book Class 12 In Hindi Bihar Board Question 3.
Why does Lomov refer to the land settlement ?
Lomov refers to the land settlement to assert that now there is no dispute about the Ox-meadows. They rightfully belong to him.

Bihar Board Solution Class 12th English Question 4.
Why does he complain all the time of palpitation and veins throbbing ?
Lomov is a very excitable person. Whenever there is an argument, he gets excited. His heart begins to palpitate and his nerves begin to throb. He feels like having a heart stroke.

Rainbow English Book For Class 12 Solutions Bihar Board Question 5.
Why does Natalia cry and weep to know that Lomov has come to propose to her ?
Natalia is already twenty-five years old. She is still unmarried. Probably nobody has proposed to her. She is eager to married. She weeps and cries because she feels that she is losing her chance to marry Lomov too.

B.3.1. Read the following sentences and write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements :

Lomov refuses to come back to Natalia.
The name of Lomov’s dog is Leap.
Choobookov bought his dog for eighty five ‘rubbles’ rubles.
According to Lomov, Leap is pug-jawed.
Lomov claims to have the memory of an elephant.
Choobookov thinks that Lomov is possessed by some ‘demon of contrandiction’.
Lomov faints when he realises that he will not succeed in marrying Natalia.
Choobookov takes the lead to settle the marriage of his daughter with Lomov.

B.3.2. Compelete the following sentences on the basis of the unit you have just studied :

(a) It is not very nice of you to …………… your neighbours.
(b) Do you think I may …………… on her accepting me ?
(c) I’m always getting terribly …………… up.
(d) I was so greedy that I had the whole meadows ……………
(e) I have had the of …………… knowing your family.
(f) Your Leap …………… behind by half a mile.
(g) You only tag along in order to …………… with other people’s dogs.


(a) cheat
(b) count
(c) wrought
(d) mown
(e) honour
(f) lagged
(g) meddle

B. 3.3. Answer the following questions briefly :

12th English Book Writer Name Bihar Board Question 1.
Why does Natalia want to talk about something else ?
Natalia wishes that Lomov should propose to her immediately. So she tries her best to avoid any further arguments on Ox-meadows. She wants to avoid a quarrel.

A Marriage Proposal Summary Bihar Board Question 2.
What, according to Lomov, is the main defect of Leap ?
According to Lomov, Leap is pug-jawed, which makes him a poor hunting dog.

The Proposal Question Answer Bihar Board Question 3.
How does Natalia describe her own pet dog, Leap ?
Natalia proudly describes her Leap as a pedigreed greyhound. She says Lomov’s Guess is piebald. So her Leap is a hundred times superior to Lomov’s Guess.

A Marriage Proposal Bihar Board Question 4.
‘That’s a load off my back.’ What is this ‘load’ ? Why does Choobookov say so ?
Choobookov is the father of a 25-year old daughter, Natalia. He was keen that she should be married off as early as possible. But it was not easy. He considered this responsibility as a load on her back. Now she is married to Lomov, he feels relieved. The load is off his back.

C. 1. Long Answer Questions:

Question 1.
On the basis of your reading of scene I, do you think that Lomov and Choobookov are cordial neighbours ?
Yes, I think that Lomov and Choobookov are cordial neighbours When Lomov calls at Choobookov, the later welcomes him. He calls him his esteemed neighbour. He rather complains that Lomov has almost neglected him because he has paid a visit after a long time. Lomov on his part admires Choobookov. He says that Choobookov has always been kind and helpful to him.

Question 2.
Write a short note on the character of Lomov on the basis of his self-revelation in scene II ?
Lomov is an old bachelor. He is thirty-five and has not been able to decide who to marry. Probably he has been looking for an ideal woman to marry. He is unable to take a firm decision. He suffers from a number of serious ailments. He suffers from palpitations of the heart and throbbing of veins and eyelids. He is also shy and lacks confidence. He is afraid that Natalia may not accept him.

Question 3.
Are Lomov and Natalia really interested in laying claim to Ox- meadows ?
Lomov and Natalia don’t seem to be actually interested in laying claim to the Ox-meadows. As Natalia says it is not worth much. The meadows are lying neglected for a long time. But it is the vanity of both Lomov and Natalia to lay claim to it. Both of them are willing to gift it to each other. But they say as a matter of principle, they cannot allow anyone to take them away because they are their property. In this quarrel they forget the more serious and urgent matter—the marriage proposal. Any how when Natalia learns that Lomov has come to propose to her she says to him that she was mistaken. The meadows belong to him. But Lomov again harps on his claim to them. He is not willing to let the matter rest there because of his vanity.

Question 4.
Do you think that Natalia was also interested in marrying Lomov ? What makes you think so ?
Yes, Natalia is very much interested in marrying Lomov. She has had a serious quarrel with him because she does not know he has come to propose to her. But when he has gone and her father tells her the real motive of Lomov a visit, Natalia goes hysterical. She moans and wails. She asks her father to bring him back because she wants to accept him at once.

When Lomov has come back, he begins to talk of the meadows, she wishes he talked of the proposal instead. She gives up her claim to the meadows. She is eager not to lose her suitor. After all she is twenty-five years old and does not want to remain unmarried all her life. When Lomov kisses her, she says, “I’m very happy.”

Question 5.
Despite his heated arguments with Lomov, Choobookov in the last scene shows haste in finalising the marriage. What could be the reason of his haste?
Choobookov is over worried about his old daughter Natalia’s marriage. He is eager that she is married off without any further delay. When he learns that Lomov has come to propose to her, he is overjoyed. He embrances and kisses Lomov. He calls him his son. He assures him that Natalia will accept him.

Unluckily Lomov and Natalia are easily excited. They quarrel over the question of the ownership of the meadows. When Choobookov hears the noise, he immediately rushes to see what the matter is. But he supports his daughter and thus the real purpose of Lomov’s visit is lost. But when Lomov is gone, and he tells Natalia that Lomov wanted to propose to her, she blames Choobookov for the quarrel. She asks him to bring him back. He feels like killing himself.

Lomov comes again. Once again they quarrel over the superiority of their dogs. Once again Choobookov supports his daughter.

But Lomov is too excited and he collapses. Once again Natalia weeps because the chances of. her marriage seem to have gone forever.

When Lomov regains consciousness Choobookov does not lose the opportunity to get them married. He hastily joins their hands, and makes them kiss each other. He is happy because the burden is off his back. Now he can live in peace.

Question 6.
Do you think the title of the drama is suitable ? Give reasons in support of your views. Suggest a different title of the drama ?
The contents of the play do not justify the title. We find there is no marriage proposal, there is no love-talk, and there is no acceptance or refusal by the lady-love. Instead we find that the young man is an old bachelor who suffers from a number of ailments. The lady is not a young charming woman but a grown up woman of twenty-five.

Lomov shyly tells Choobookov that he has come to propose to his daughter Natalia. But when Lomov and Natalia are together they exchange no sweet words like love-birds. Instead they begin to quarrel over the ownership of the Ox-meadows. Choobookov who knows the purpose of Lomov’s visit, does not try to pacify them. Instead he supports his daughter and the quarrel takes a serious turn. Poor Lomov is excited, his heart palpitates and he leaves. But neithbour Choobookov nor Natalia show mercy on him.

But soon Natalia learns the purpose of his visit. She wails and asks her father to bring him back.

Shemeless Lomov comes back. This time Natalia is soft and sweet. She wants him to propose so that she may accept him immediately. But both Natalia and Lomov are vain to the core. They begin to quarrel over an insignificant matter, the superiority of their respective dogs. They have no restraint. They do not think of the actual questions—the marriage proposal. Neither Lomov proposes nor Natalia accept him. It is Choobookov who appears to be more concerned.

Lomov is almost dead and Natalia is hysterical. When Lomov regains consciousness. Choobookov joins their hands though they are still quarrelling.

In fact the title of the play is far from being suitable. The title of the play should be ‘A comedy of Human Vanity’.

Question 7.
Natalia and lomov would be an ideal couple Do you agree? Give reasons
The basic requirement of an ideal couple is mutual respect, understanding and sacrifice. But Natalia and Lomov are made of a different stuff. Both of them have obstinate vanity. They are not willing to yield a bit. For example, the Ox-meadows are a worthless piece of land. It is disputed. Both Lomov and Natalia lay their claim to it. Lomov is prepared to take the matter to a court of law to prove his claim. On the other hand Natalia asks her father to send men to mow the meadow immediately. Both of them call each other names, Lomov is about to faint but he goes on repeating how it belonged to his aunt’s grandmother.

This matter ends. But they again begin to quarrel over the superiority of their dogs. It is an insignificant matter but both Natalia and Lomov make it a question of life and death. Even after they are engaged, the quarrel continues. Neither of them is willing to yield or be quiet. This qurrel, and many more quarrels like these, will adorn their married life. They will continue to quarrel over trifles. But, since both need each other, they will live together. But they will be far from being an ideal couple.

C. 2. Group Discussion

Discuss the following in groups or pairs :

Question 1.
Arguments for the sake of arguments lead to nowhere.
Humans are the only creation of God that are endowed with a faculty or reasoning and a sophisticated language. They are great blessings. All human civilizations and progress are the result of these. Science and philosophy, literature and commerce couldn’t have been developed without power of reasoning and communicated from person to person, and generation to generation without language. But human have one terrible weakness. Sometimes they would argue for its own sake. They would not given in even though they have no substantial basis to support their point. Such arguments can be continued for as long as they desire. But they lead to nowhere.

Question 2.
Marriages are settled in heaven but are solemnised on the earth.
Much can be said in favour and gainst this statement. Most people believe that it is perfectly true. There is a destiny that decides marriages. It is not a unilateral matter. You cannot marry a person without the consent of the other. People say that try however hard you may. You are sure to tie the knot with the person you are destined to. But there are some people who do not agree with this. They say if marriages were settled in heaven, why there are divorces. Marriage is a social custom. It binds two persons together in a special manner. Divorce, like marriage is also a social custom. Marriages and divorces are social and legal matters. They are the inventions of our civilication. We could do without marriage. But if we did, it would lead to social chaos. But heaven has nothing to do with marriages and divorces.

C. 3. Composition

Question 1.
Write a short essay in about 150 words on the following:

Question a.
Role and responsibility of parents in marriage.
Role and responsibility of parents in marriage of their children varies from society to society and culture to culture. In the East parents were supposed to have the fullest responsibility in the marriage of their children. In India, the marriage of daughter was a sole and grave responsibility of the parents. As a girl reached marriageable age, parents had sleepless night. The girl’s father would go about looking for a suitable match for her. He tried his best. In several cases he had to in debts or sell his land to give dowry and fulfil other social and religious obligations. In olden days the girl in question has no say in the matter of her own marriage.

But now things have changed much. First, the social fabric, especially in towns and cities, has greatly changed. Secondly, joint familier do not exist. Thirdly the boys and girls enjoys far more indepedence than ever before. So the role and responsiblity of parents are very little. According to the latest trends, boys and girls choose their own partners, and parents consent is a formality.

Question b.
Social relevance of marriage.
Marriage in human society is of paramount relevance. In fact the institution of marriage has deep roots in our civilizaiton. It will be no exaggeration to say that marriage and civilization evloved together. And human society will be no better than a herd of animal without marriage. Our laws of inheritance, the responsibility of parents towards children, and children’s responsiblity towards parent are the offshoots of the institution of marriage. There are some philosophers like G.B. Shaw who advocate the abolition of marriage. They want the government to take the responsibility of bringing up children and looking after the aged. But it is only a theoretical idea. It is not practicable. Marriage is recognised in every culture and has the sanctity of all religions. Marriage is not a matter between two persons only. It is the basis of the family, and the family is the basis of society.

Question 2.
Write a letter to your friend describing the marriage ceremony that you attended recently in your family.

My 25,200.

Dear Rishiksh

I hope my letter finds you in the pink of your health. Recenlty, I visited my cousin’s house to attend the marriage ceremony of my cousin sister. Everywhere it was happiness. All were busy in arranging things and enjoying each moment of it. All wanted to be an important part of it. All relatives had come. Many rituals were performed. The marriage was conducted with great pomp and show. We really enjoyed it very much. Howevei all were weeping at her departure to her new house.

Give my regards to elders and love to youngers.

Yours lovingly
Shashank sinha

D. Word Study

D. 1. Dictionary Use :

Ex. 1. correct the spelling of the following words :
Bihar Board Class 12 English Book Solutions Chapter 11 A Marriage Proposal 1
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D. 2. Word-formation

Go through the drama and underline the use of the following words, wherever they occur.

land-garbber windbag countryside horseback house keeper These are compound words, made by joining two words. Make at least five similar words, using the following ones :
air college right cyber young
fresh air, women’s college, night mare, cybercafe, young mountains

D. 3. Word-meaning

Ex. 1. Fill in the blanks with suitable phrases given in the box :
Bihar Board Class 12 English Book Solutions Chapter 11 A Marriage Proposal 3
(a) Snighdha’s intelligence made her to her classmates.
(b) It time of crisis you may your friends.
(c) We must the glorious tradition of the past.
(d) I advised Ankita to a doctor.
(e) You should your mind before joining the army.
(f) Shylock was Antonio’s popularity.
(g) We were asked to our aim in life.
(h) Priya is not such severe cold.


(a) superior
(b) call on
(c) talk about
(d) run after
(e) make up
(f) envious of
(g) talk about
(h) accustomed to

E. Grammar

Ex. 1. The following verbs in their past participle forms have been used an adjectives in the drama. Go through the text and underline them wherever they have been used as ajectives.
Bihar Board Class 12 English Book Solutions Chapter 11 A Marriage Proposal 4
use each of these words both as verb and adjective in sentences of your own. The first one is done for you:
esteemed (v): Tendulkar is esteemed as the best batsman.
esteemed (adj): He is my estmeed neighbour.
delighted (v): He is delighted of the news.
delighted (adj): This is delighted experience.
inherited (v): He has inherited this house.
inherited (adj): It is an inherited property.
maintained (v): They have maintained their norms.
maintained (adj): It is a maintained house.
mistaken (v): He has mistaken them sum.
mistaken (adj): It is a mistaken happiness.
disputed (v): They have disputed over the matter.
disputed (adj): They were discussing the disputed matter.
paralyzed (v): They paralyzed the scorpion.
paralyzed (adj): It is a paralysed dog.
accustomed (v): He is accustomed of such situation.
accustomed (adj): This is an accustomed rituals.
abused (v): They have abused him.
abused (adj): This is an abused house.
insulted (v): He has insulted me.
insulted (adj): He is an insulted person.
twisted (v): They have twisted the matters.
twisted (adj): It is a twisted rod.

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