The artist Objective Question Answer
बिहार बोर्ड के कक्षा 12 के अंग्रेजी Rainbow Part 2 Bihar Board Class 12th English Solution Notes All Topics with Lecture के सभी पाठों को अर्थ सहित व्याख्या को पढ़ेंगें।
इसको पढ़ने से आपके किताब के सभी प्रश्न आसानी से हल हो जाऐंगे। इसमें चैप्टर वाइज सभी पाठ के नोट्स को उपलब्ध कराया गया है। सभी टॉपिक के बारे में आसान भाषा में बताया गया है।
यह नोट्स NCERT तथा SCERT बिहार पाठ्यक्रम पर पूर्ण रूप से आधारित है। इसमें हिन्दी के प्रत्येक पाठ के बारे में व्याख्या किया गया है, जो परीक्षा की दृष्टि से बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण है। इस पोस्ट को पढ़कर आप बिहार बोर्ड कक्षा 10 के हिन्दी गोधूलि भाग 2 और वर्णिका भाग 2 के किसी भी पाठ को आसानी से समझ सकते हैं और उस पाठ के प्रश्नों का उत्तर दे सकते हैं। जिस भी पाठ को पढ़ना है उस पर क्लिक कीजिएगा, तो वह पाठ खुल जाऐगा। उस पाठ के बारे में आपको वहाँ सम्पूर्ण जानकारी मिल जाऐगी।
[1] The teacher, who caught Seibi doing with gourd in the class-
(A) appreciated him
(B) depreciated him
(C) awarded him
(D) punished him
show answer(D) punished him
[2]The teacher inade complain against Seibi to his-
(A) father
(B) mother
(C) uncle
(D) brother
show answer(B) mother
[3]“The Artist’ is-
(A) a short story
(B) an article
(C) a periodical
(D) None of these
show answer(A) a short story
[4] Who has written the story ‘The Artist’?
(A) P.S. Buck
(B) M. Gandhi
(C) S. Naoya
(D) None of these
show answer(C) S. Naoya
[5]Shiga Naoya was born in-
(A) 1873
(B) 1853
(C) 1883
(D) 1893
show answer(C) 1883
[6]Shiga Naova died in –
(A) 1961
(B) 1971
(C) 1981
(D) 1941
show answer(B) 1971
[7]He was a celebrated Japanese-
(A) novelist
(B) dramatist
(C) columnist
(D) short story writer
show answer(D) short story writer
[8]Seibei was-
(A) an artist
(B) a musician
(C) a singer
(D) None of these
show answer(A) an artist
[9]Seibi’s parents knew that he often bought himself-
(A) apples
(B) oranges
(C) gourds
(D) guavas
show answer(C) gourds
[10]Seibi lived in a-
(A) village
(B) town
(C) city
(D) harbour town
show answer(D) harbour town
[11] One could walk from one end of the town to another in-
(A) ten minutes
(b) Twenty minutes
(C) half-an-hour
(D) four hours.
show answer(b) Twenty minutes
[12] Seibi knew every place that sold—
(A) fish
(B) meat
(C) gourds
(D) vegetables
show answer(C) gourds
[13] One day Seibi found p peculiar gourd at shop of an old woman, which cost him-
(A) five sen
(B) ten sen
(C) two sen
(D) None of these
show answer(B) ten sen
[14] He used to bore a neat hole in the –
(A) side of the gourd
(B) top of the gourd
(C) both the side
(D) None of these
show answer(B) top of the gourd
[15] He made the hole to extract –
(A) water
(B) flash
(C) seeds
(D) None of these
show answer(C) seeds
[16] Whenever Seibi passed through the market, he searched the-
(A) friends
(B) favourite flowers
(C) gourds
(D) None of these
show answer(C) gourds
[17] Shiga. Naoya has written the story –
(A) The Earth
(B) A Pinch of Snuff
(C) The Artist
(D) None of these
show answer(C) The Artist
[18]Seibei was a twelve years old son….. boy.
(A) Chinese
(B) japanese
(C) African
(D) Indian
show answer(B) japanese
[19] Seibei was a …… japanese Boy.
(A) nine year old
(B) ten years old
(C) eleven years old
(D) twelve years old
show answer(D) twelve years old
[20] Seibei’s hobby was collecting of –
(A) stamps
(C) gourds
(D) None of these
show answer(C) gourds
[21]Sejbei was.passionately interested in –
(A) pumpkin
(B) gounds
(C) potato
(D) None of these
show answer(B) gounds
[22] Shiga Naoya is a ………..writer.
(A) Chinese
(B) indian
(C) American
(D) Japanese
show answer(D) Japanese
[23]One day Seibei was caught red handed by his ………… teacher.
(A) Hindi
(B) Math
(C) Ethics
(D) Hindi
show answer(C) Ethics
[24]Seibei bought a …………. inch gourd from an old woman.
(A) four
(B) five
(C) six
(D) seven
show answer(B) five
[25] The teacher became very-very………. with Seibei for neglecting his studies.
(A) happy
(B) sad
(C) angry
(D) friendly
show answer(C) angry
[26] Seibei reads at ……….. school.
(A) High
(B) Primary
(C) Middle
(D) None of these
show answer(B) Primary
[27] Seibei got gourds for a few –
(A) rupee
(B) taka
(C) sen
(D) None of these
show answer(C) sen
[28] One must admire the inherent qualities in the –
(A) young
(B) children
(C) old
(D) adult
show answer(B) children
[29] The price of the five inches gourds is —
(A) five sen
(B) nine sen
(C) ten sen
(D)eleven sen
show answer(C) ten sen
[30] Seibei’s father worked at ………. shop.
(A) carpenter’s
(B) barber’s
(C) goldsmith’s
(D) None of these
show answer(A) carpenter’s
[31] permimmons and oranges.
(A) An old man
(B) An old woman
(C) A girl
(D) A boy
show answer(B) An old woman
[32] The porter sold the gourd of Seibei for —
(A) 30 yen
(B) 40 yen
(C) 50 yen
(D) 60 yen
show answer(C) 50 yen
[33]……. is a short story.
(A) A marriage proposal
(B) Ideas That Have Helped Manking
(C) India Through a Traveller’s Eyes
(D) The Artist
show answer(D) The Artist
[34]Şeįbej’s hobby of collecting gourd made his teacher-
(A) pleased
(B) displeased
(C) laughed
(D) None of these
show answer(B) displeased
[35] Seibei’s parents know that he often went out to buy himself-
(A) oranges
(B) apples
(C) gourds
(D) potatoes
show answer(C) gourds
[36] The curio-dealer sold the gourd to a wealthy collecter for …..yen.
(A) 400
(B) 500
(C) 600
(D) 700
show answer(C) 600