Now leaves are falling fast objective question

Now leaves are falling fast objective question

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ENGLISH 100 MARKS QUESTION FOR INTER EXAM 2024 :  बिहार बोर्ड इंटरमीडिएट परीक्षा 2024 के लिए इंग्लिश 100 मार्क्स का महत्वपूर्ण क्वेश्चन आंसर दिया गया है जिसमें आपको Class 12th English 100 Marks का ऑब्जेक्टिव प्रश्न उत्तर तथा Class 12th 100 Marks Subjective Question Answer दिया गया है और साथ में बिहार बोर्ड से जारी किया गया ऑफिशियल मॉडल पेपर (Class 12th English 100 Marks Model Paper) भी इस पेज में दिया गया है

Now leaves are falling fast objective question

तथा आने वाले परीक्षा में आप लोग अच्छे अंको से उत्तीर्ण होना चाहते हैं तो इस पेज में आप लोगों को क्लास ट्वेल्थ अंग्रेजी का ऑनलाइन टेस्ट भी दिया गया है जिसके माध्यम से आप लोग तैयारी और बेहतर कर सकते हैं-

Class 12th English 100 Marks Objective Question Bihar Board Inter Exam 2024 का Prose Section & Poetry Section का ऑब्जेक्टिव क्वेश्चन चैप्टर वाइज चैप्टर नीचे दिया गया है – Now leaves are falling fast objective questionClass 12th 100 Marks [ Bihar Board 12th English Syllabus 2024 ]

Now leaves are falling fast objective question

[1] In the second line of the poem, Now The Leaves Are Falling Fast’ ‘Nurse’ stands for —

(A) a plant
(B) a fruit
(C) a tree
(D) None of these

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(C) a tree


[2] . In the poem, ‘Now The Leaves Are Falling Fast ‘Whispering neighbours’ stand for-

(A) agents of Life Insurance
(B) agents of State Bank of India
(C) agents of Sahara India
(D) agents of death

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(D) agents of death


[3]“Trolls’ mentioned in the poem, ‘Now The Leaves are Falling Fast’ are …….. mythological creatures.
(A) Scandinavian
(B) Indian
(C) Russian
(D) None of these

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(A) Scandinavian


[4] ‘Now the Leaves are Falling Fast’ is ………… poem.
(A) a pessimistic
(B) optimistic
(C) a pessimistic-cum-optimistic
(D) None of these

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(C) a pessimistic-cum-optimistic


[5] Who has composed the poem, Now The Leaves Are Falling Fast’ ?
(A) W.H. Auden
(B) Walter de la Mare
(C) D.H. Lawrence
(D) Rupert Brooke

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(A) W.H. Auden


Now leaves are falling fast objective question
[6] Auden won the Pulitzer prize in-
(A) 1947
(B) 1948
(C) 1949
(D) 1950

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(B) 1948


[7]For Auden poetry was-
(A) a light game
(B) an interesting game
(C) a serious game
(D) None of these

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(C) a serious game


[8] Auden was –
(A) a poet
(B) a verse dramatist’
(C) a serious game
(D) All of these

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(D) All of these


[9] ‘Now The Leaves are Falling’ is-
(A) a lyric
(B) an ode
(C) a sonnet
(D) an elegy

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(A) a lyric


[10] ‘Now The Leaves Are Falling Fast’ ………… the frustration inherent in human life.
(A) reacts
(B) enacts
(C) accepts
(D) protests

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(B) enacts


[11] W.H. Auden has written the poem-
(A) John Keats
(B) Walt Whitman
(C) W.H. Auden
(D) T.S. Eliot

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(C) W.H. Auden


[12]The prams are —
(A) running
(B) standing
(C) lying
(D) rolling

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(D) rolling


[13] The travellers are we ………….. beings, moving towards our death.
(A) human
(B) animal
(C) urbon
(D) rural

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(A) human


[14] Human life is no better than —
(A) life
(B) death
(C) journey
(D) None of these

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(B) death


[15] The leaves are falling —
(A) slow
(B) soon
(C) fast
(D) None of these

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(C) fast


[16]Trees shed their leaves in –
(A) rain
(B) summer
(C) winter
(D) autumn

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(D) autumn


[17] The ……………. has become dumb to see the leafless trees.
(A) hen
(B) sparrow
(C) nightingale
(D) peacock

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(C) nightingale


[18]………….. waterfall could bless the travellers passing through that way.
(A) Yellow
(B) White
(C) Red
(D) Grey

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(B) White


[19] The falling of …………….. refer to the speedy arrival of death.
(A) leaves
(B) stones
(C) snows
(D) None of these

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(A) leaves


[20] The ……………… of death are the whispering neighbour.
(A) messenger
(B) friends
(C) enemies
(D) God

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(A) messenger

Now leaves are falling fast objective question

[22]‘Whispering neighbours, left and right’ is a line from the poem—
(A) An Epitaph
(B) Song of Myself
(C) Now the Leaves Are falling Fast
(D) Snake

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(C) Now the Leaves Are falling Fast

Now leaves are falling fast objective question

[23]‘Nurse’s flowers will not last’ is a line written by—
(A) John keats
(B) John Donne
(C) Walt Whitman
(D) W.H. Auden

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(D) W.H. Auden

 Class 12th English 100 Marks Now leaves are falling fast objective question का Prose Section & Poetry Section का ऑब्जेक्टिव क्वेश्चन चैप्टर वाइज चैप्टर नीचे दिया गया है – All Objective Question Answer of English Class 12th 100 Marks [

Now leaves are falling fast objective question

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Now leaves are falling fast objective question



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